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Der ultimative Leitfaden für CBD: Exp von Evans, Jamie, neues Buch

Der ultimative Leitfaden für CBD: Exp von Evans, Jamie, neues Buch

Preis: 10.51

Zustand: New


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Product Information

A complete guide to cannabidiol that covers all the basics, plus recipes for bath, body, drinks, and foods to integrate CBD into your life. In The Ultimate Guide to CBD, you’ll start by learning the basics-including the most current science in the field of CBD research. Since there are many ways to use cannabidiol, you’ll also learn the differences between each application, with a detailed look at CBD oils, flower, ready-made beverages, tinctures, isolates, concentrates, capsules, salves, balms, face oil, vaping, and more. A discussion on homemade versus professional-made products is included, along with tips on how to pick a trustworthy brand. In the chapters that follow, you’ll be able to explore CBD in a variety of ways: Wellness: Self-care is the ultimate practice that can benefit your life, your relationships, and your overall happiness. This chapter will encourage the reader to evaluate their own personal wellness and hygiene routines, providing information on how to best use CBD-rich skincare, bath, and body products. An overview of other complimentary soothing herbs is provided, as well a how-to guide for crafting CBD face masks, salves, and massage oil. Beverages and Food: Find your inner mixologist with CBD beverages, from CBD mocktails and cocktails to CBD coffee, matcha, and more. Learn how to make your own CBD oil at home and go gourmet with CBD honey, olive oil, butter and other infusions to craft delicious CBD cuisine. Fitness: With opioid addiction on the rise, athletes are looking for new ways to manage pain, reduce anxiety, alleviate stress, and enhance performance. This section focuses on CBD and fitness by exploring the different ways that CBD may benefit the body during physical activities, such as yoga, running, skiing/snowboarding, and contact sports. An overview of CBD supplements and relief balms, as well as a how-to guide to making a post-workout balm to relieve sore muscles. Pets and Other Uses: It turns out that our four-legged friends may also benefit from CBD. Learn how to safely share CBD with dogs and cats for anxiety reduction and pain management. With all this and more, including expert spotlights featuring some of the top names in CBD-related businesses, this is the go-to resource you’ve been looking for.

Product Identifiers

Fair Winds Press
eBay Product ID (ePID)

Product Key Features

Book Title
The Ultimate Guide to CBD: Explore the World of Cannabidiol – Recipes for Self-Care, Beverages, Cooking, and More: Volume 8
Jamie Evans
Mental Exercise
Publication Year
Number of Pages
224 Pages


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Item Width

Additional Product Features

Jamie Evans
Series Title
The Ultimate Guide To…
Country/Region of Manufacture
United States

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