GORILLA SPORTS® Fingerhantel Handtrainer Fingertrainer Unterarmtrainer Hand Grip
GORILLA SPORTS® Fingerhantel Handtrainer Fingertrainer Unterarmtrainer Hand Grip Preis: 17.99 Zustand: Neu Zur Produktbeschreibung bei ebay*
Fitness-und Wellnessprodukte online kaufen
GORILLA SPORTS® Fingerhantel Handtrainer Fingertrainer Unterarmtrainer Hand Grip Preis: 17.99 Zustand: Neu Zur Produktbeschreibung bei ebay*
Preis: 【Rehab Robot Gloves】: Rehab robot gloves use two-handed mirror training to help patients recover neurons. The manipulator drives the hand with restricted mobility. Synchronized bimanual movements activate mirror neurons【Help self-repair】:The simultaneous movement of both hands can activate the mirror neurons and copy the normal neural pathways from the hand …
Preis: 【Help self repair】: Rehabilitation gloves simultaneous movement of both hands can activate mirror neurons, copy the normal nerve pathways from the hands to the affected area, and promote the autonomous recovery of the brain.【Robotic gloves for human rehabilitation】:finger dysfunction caused by finger flexion spasm, cerebral palsy, stroke sequelae, long …
2PCS Handtrainer Fingertrainer Unterarmtrainer Fingerhantel Handexpander Gripper Preis: 10.99 Zustand: Neu Zur Produktbeschreibung bei ebay*
Preis: 【Help self repair】: Rehabilitation gloves simultaneous movement of both hands can activate mirror neurons, copy the normal nerve pathways from the hands to the affected area, and promote the autonomous recovery of the brain.【Help self-repair】:The simultaneous movement of both hands can activate the mirror neurons and copy the normal …
5-120KG Extreme Armtrainer | Unterarmtrainer Handtrainer Handgrips Expander-de Preis: 14.99 Zustand: Neu Zur Produktbeschreibung bei ebay*
Preis: 【Rehabilitation Robot Gloves】: Rehabilitation Robot Gloves help to gradually activate mirror neurons, restore brain motor nerves, promote autonomous brain recovery, drive hand function recovery, accelerate the process of hand function recovery, and achieve patient self-care ability.【Bionic hand structure】: Intelligently imitate hand movements, realized imitated hand structure, independent and independent …
5-120KG Extreme Armtrainer | Unterarmtrainer Handtrainer Handgrips Expander~DE~ Preis: 14.99 Zustand: Neu Zur Produktbeschreibung bei ebay*
Preis: 【Rehabilitation robot glove material】:Soft polymer gloves, a variety of flexible polymer materials, three-dimensional cutting, flexible pneumatic driving, simple and convenient. pneumatic as a driving force, automatically grabs fingers and stretches is a rehabilitation device for finger spasms and paralysis【Bionic hand structure】: Intelligently imitate hand movements, realized imitated hand structure, …
Preis: [Material der Rehabilitationsroboterhandschuhe]: weiche Polymerhandschuhe, eine Vielzahl flexibler Polymermaterialien, dreidimensionaler Schnitt, für menschliche Hände geeignet, flexibler Lufthandantrieb, einfach und bequem.[Reha-Roboterhandschuhe haben mehrere Modi]. Der Passivmodus und der Spiegelmodus ermöglichen es der trainierten Hand, die Bewegungen anderer Hände zu erlernen.[Rehabilitationsroboterhandschuhe für Menschen]: Fingerflexionskrampf, Zerebralparese, durch Schlaganfallfolgen verursachte Fingerfunktionsstörung, lange Arbeitszeiten …