Optium Xido Glucose Meter Monitor The meter measures in mg/dl

Preis: 49,99 €

The object of the auction is a new Optium Xido Glucose Meter Monitor (without stripes) Optium Xido equivalent Precision Xtra version Poland Optium Xido includes: Meter Optium Xido (battery included) Lancing device and the blade Optium Xido
Meter is the same as Precision Xtra Precision Xtra meter has a unique feature to measure the level of ketones in the blood using special strips . So you can see if you have diabetic ketoacidosis . This measurement method not only gives you faster results , but it is much more convenient than urine tests . Easy to use : put the strip and the meter turns on automatically . Just apply a blood sample . Suction belts very comfortable when doing the measurement in motion or while holding the meter in hand – blob is sucked inside the bar . Quickly and hygienically . Backlit screen : very helpful, if you have vision problems or when you make measurements at night. Results in 5 seconds : a short measurement time , allowing you more time for yourself . The sensor of blood sample volume : If you apply for the bar too low a blood sample , the meter will tell you about it and not do the measurement. As a result, you do not get falsely low result. Elimination of interfering substances : thus prescribed medications , those with diabetes and those for headaches or colds, no falsify result. Individually wrapped bars : each bar is individually protected against dirt and moisture , so you do not have to carry the entire inventory – if you’re going on the road , take only as many strips as you need . Precision Xtra glucometer is not requiring coding : no need for coding can also help reduce wasted test strips. No coding is required manual or timing calibration . After inserting the strip , the display meter appears in the code 45001 . Long shelf life (24 months ) and the possibility dropping second drop of blood to test strips Precision Xtra , combined with a lack of coding means having to reduce the risk of unnecessary waste strips . The study shows that the use of test strips Precision Xtra allows for 2 – 3 % reduction in the cost of the strips .

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