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ZANWANXIN Fit Denture Silicone Reline Kit, Soft Denture Reline Kit, Dental Braces for Modifying Teeth and Filling Gaps, Esthetic Dental Cosmetic Kits for Men and Women (1 pcs)

Preis: 13,99 €

Comfortable Fit: The silicone lining is soft and can fit the oral tissue tightly, giving you a comfortable wearing experience. It can be adjusted according to the shape of the mouth, reducing the foreign body sensation, so that you can hardly feel its presence when wearing the denture
Buffering Pressure: During chewing, the silicone lining can play a good buffering role, disperse the chewing pressure, and protect the denture and oral tissue. This helps to reduce the occurrence of gum pain, alveolar bone absorption and other problems
Beautiful and Natural: The color of the denture silicone lining can match the oral tissue, making the denture look more natural and beautiful. It can reduce the color difference between the denture and the mouth, making your smile brighter and more confident
Good Stability: The silicone lining can increase the friction between the denture and the mouth, and improve the stability of the denture. Even when talking, laughing or performing some more intense oral exercises, the denture is not easy to loosen or fall off
Easy to Clean: The surface of the silicone lining is smooth, and it is not easy to absorb food residues and bacteria, which is very convenient to clean. You can use a special denture cleaner or mild soap and water to clean it, and then rinse it with clean water. Keeping the silicone lining clean

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