Preis: 19,99 €
【Tongue Cleaning Gel】The dirt accumulated on the tongue coating is one of the main causes of bad breath, this cleaning gel can effectively clean these dirt and block the source of bad breath, the cool mint flavor can also make the breath fresher.
【Mild and comfortable】The comfortable texture is non-irritating, does not hurt the tongue and taste buds, natural and healthy raw materials, no harm to the human body, safe care of the oral health of the family, and can be used by the elderly and children.
【Design For Comfort】Cleaner Brush made with ergonomic design, you can reach most of the sources of bad breath easily and efficiently, easy to use and clean.You’ll enjoy every place the brush reaches because it’s comfortable to use and confident that your breath is completely fresh.
【Wide Use】The tongue cleaning brush kit comfortable texture, is comfortable for the care of the oral of the family, and can be used by the elderly and children.
【How to Use】1. After brushing your teeth, squeeze out an appropriate amount of tongue cleaning gel and rub it on the soft hair of the tongue cleaner to clean the tongue. 2. Turn over the scraper surface of the tongue cleaner and scrape it from inside to outside 3-5 times. 3. After use, rinse your mouth with clean water and wash the tongue cleaner with warm water.
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