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YNXing Krafttraining Seil für Boxen, Basketball, Fechten

Preis: 41,98 €

【Multiple Effect】:Boxing training resistance band set can enhance the explosive power of the arms, legs and waist, enhance the movement speed and agility, build speed and strength for hitting , and improve the control of body balance. it will give you a great help in boxing training.Absolutely great for MMA training and any type of Cross Fit training.
【Multiple Training】:This is very conducive to your training, such as boxing, fencing, basketball, soccer, tennis, track and field sports training, great workout tools for squats and lunges to enhance the leg strength ,build strength and explosive power as you take your physical skill to the a higher level.
【Increase Speed and Agility】: Incorporate the long-lasting Velcro straps and running resistance bands during specific sport and general training to increase reactive muscle strength and overall body mobility, allowing you to stride faster and farther for better acceleration and top-end speed.
【250 Pounds Resistance】:The 250pds is the total resistance of the 5 resistance bands .Specifically,if you 5.4ft,and put on the equipment,unfold your arms and legs,at this moment the total resistance of your full body is 250 pounds .and if the higher hight you have,the more resistance you get.
【Long-lasting, Safe and Comfortable】 : It comes with an adjustable belt. Great padding, well stitched, more adjustable and it fits a 25”-41”- waist. You can feel your legs are burning which is amazing when it comes to working on your legs. This can gives you the freedom of working on your basketball skills and have the resistance on your legs for gaining your ups again.

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