Preis: 231,99 €
【Unique Design】3 levels of adjustable heating function Hand rehabilitation robot gloves, low temperature 42°C, medium temperature 50°C, high temperature 58°C, adjust the temperature that suits you. It is not suitable for long-term use to avoid low-temperature burns. Use 2-3 times a day About 15 minutes each time is recommended. The recovery equipment can reduce muscle tension faster and improve the training effect.
【Autonomous Rehabilitation Exercises】Rehabilitation robotic gloves help patients restore neurons using bimanual mirror training. The robotic arm trains the hand of a patient with limited mobility. Synchronous movement of both hands activates mirror neurons and replicates normal motor nerve pathways to the patient’s hands, effectively promoting the brain’s self-recovery.
【Multifunction Exerciser】The workout rehabilitation equipment is hemiplegia finger trainer robot glove, as a stroke recovery and physiotherapy equipment, the finger rehabilitation robot gloves can works in the left and right hand,and the different hand size. The therapy and robot gloves stroke recovery equipment for hand and arm training and rehabilitation,hand rehabilitation robot gloves.
【High-definition Touch Function】The finger trainer has a high-definition LED touch LCD screen, which is clear and easy to operate, and the elderly can also use it independently. This product needs to be connected to a power supply, which will make the production work more powerful. (If you receive a plug that does not match your socket, you need to purchase a conversion plug yourself)
【Applicable People】The robot rehabilitation glove finger trainer is an intelligent device for hand movement rehabilitation for patients with stroke, hemiplegia, and finger movement disorders. It is very effective for finger weakness, cramps and inability to control finger grasping movements. It is suitable for daily home rehabilitation training of patients.
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