NOALED Rehabilitations-Roboterhandschuhe, Physiotherapiegeräte für Schlaganfall-Hemiplegie-Patienten für manuelles Training, Funktionelle Handschiene für Fingerorthese,LeftHa

Preis: 389,99 €

【Rehabilitation training for patients with hand dysfunction】Accelerates the process of hand function recovery, helps users re-learn cranial nerves, accelerates the recovery of brain tonic nerve damage, and achieves the patient’s self-care ability. The combined effect of multiple stimuli improves the recovery speed of hand function.
【Splint Gloves】Reduce flexion contractures and help maintain hand strength, the material is made of a variety of flexible polymer materials. Comfortable to wear, keep your hands in place while gently extending your hands. Adapt your gear to your situation, do adversarial training, and no matter how strong you are, within a safe area, don’t worry about strength.
【Bionic hand structure】Intelligently imitating hand movements, imitating hand structure production, independent action grasping, intelligently imitating hand grasping, flexion and other movements, alleviating hand spasm, stiffness and other problems
【Easy to operate】Self-rehabilitation training, LCD control screen and clear adjustment buttons. The suitable gear can be adjusted, the elderly are easy to use and simple to operate, and the elderly can also complete the exercise independently.
【Applicable people】Suitable for patients with functional disabilities, exercise wrist and fingers, improve muscle strength, and increase joint mobility. Prevents and corrects contracture stiffness, stretches hand tendons, and effectively relieves hand fatigue, knuckle stiffness and pain

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