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PhysicalMind Institute TYE4 hilft jedem, eine Ganzkörperverbindung während des Trainings zu finden und die 13.6 kg Widerstandsbelastung am Körper profitiert von jeder Art von Bewegung

Preis: 82,84 €

The price includes shipping
Enhanced Movement Support: TYE4/TYE4X resistance cord is adjustable; feels like a hug around the torso; giving postural support from the chest strap or X design, enhances any movement.
Multiple Physical Activity Programs: PhysicalMind Institute offers a free iOS/Android app and numerous videos that showcase easy exercise sequences for Tye4/Tye4X, which improve flexibility, strength, mobility, and stability, making every movement a total body exercise.
Resilient Elastic: These products are made from durable, stretchable fabric and neoprene, ensuring comfort and support, and super strong bungee cords challenge and assist. Comfortable hand and foot straps connect the four limbs to your core.
Portable Gym in a Bag: The Tye4/Tye4X is a portable, lightweight, and compact „gym in a bag“ that eliminates the need for free weights, rubber bands, tubing, balls, and other props.
Limitless Exercise Options: The Tye4/Tye4X provides an immeasurable array of exercise options, guaranteeing that you will never experience monotony in their workout routines.
Benefits All: With proper alignment, Tye4/Tye4X improves execution and intensity for a wide range of activities, including Pilates, dance, yoga, tai chi, strength, endurance, balance, or flexibility training.
Core Support: The positioning of the neoprene bands on the chest imparts support and uplift to the core.
Suitable Size: TYE4X, mostly worn by woman, adds a further alignment corrector with the placement of the supportive X across the back and the attached adjustable waist band. The Tye4X comes in small, medium, and large. The Tye4 is unisex and fits sizes petite to XXX
Futuristic Fitness: Established in 1991 to carry on the work of Joseph Pilates, PMIs‘ patented products Tye4 and Tye4X are the 21st-century version of the Universal Reformer, bringing the future of fitness to you.

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