Preis: 293,78 €
Sale is for a set of TWO BANDS. Set includes one each of: Band #7 ORANGE and Band #8 BLACK. This set offers a combined tension range of 70-370 lbs (32-168kg). Bands are sold in combinations as described. Not sure which band to get? We’ve included a handy ‘Which Band is Right for Me’ guide in the product images. Choose from the various multi-band combinations to select the tension level. We guarantee there’s a band combination that’s perfect for you!
Bands are sold in combinations by tension level. Please choose from one of 10 expertly selected combinations, ranging from 5 lbs to 370 lbs. Not sure which band to get? We’ve included a handy ‘Which Band is Right for Me’ guide in the product images. We guarantee there’s a band that’s perfect for you!
Our unique 41″ closed loop bands are ideal for assisted pull-ups, power lifting, physical therapy, Pilates, targeted stretching and toning exercises and full-body workouts. With over 200+ possible band exercises there’s not a single muscle in your body that can’t benefit from these bands.
These latex bands are made with quality and comfort in mind. Our natural rubber latex is over 99.998% free of soluble proteins (latex allergens) and the bands can stretch up to two and a half times their original length! They’re BAND-tastic! Please note that effects of use by people with latex sensitivity is unknown and not recommended.
This product ships within 2 business days from North Carolina, USA. All fees and taxes due to foreign import/export regulations will be your responsibility upon receiving the product.
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Die in diesem Beitrag enthaltenen Informationen dienen ausschließlich allgemeinen Informationszwecken. Die Informationen werden vom Anbieter des Produktes: "Set of 2 Functional Fitness Pull Up Bands - #7, #8 - 70 - 370 lbs (32 - 168 kg) - Resistance. For Assisted Pull Ups Muscle Ups Calisthenics CrossFit Powerlifting Physical Therapy Pilates Stretching Street Workouts Full-Body Functional Fitness Workouts
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