Cannabis is Medicine: How CBD and Medical Cannabis are Healing Everything …
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Über dieses ProduktProduct InformationIn Cannabis Is Medicine, medical cannabis specialist Bonni Goldstein, MD, explains the science behind the use of this amazingly therapeutic plant and describes in easy-to-understand detail the recently discovered endocannabinoid system, involved in almost every human physiological process. Over 4 million people in the US are healing difficult-to-treat illnesses with cannabis medicine, and although 33 states have medical cannabis laws, many physicians remain reluctant to discuss how this plant may be beneficial to health. this book is the comprehensive resource for patients and their loved ones who have not found answers with conventional medicines. Dr Goldstein has helped thousands of suffering patients — including children — find relief with cannabis. In her revelatory book, she explains the current state of scientific research on more than 28 chronic medical conditions that have responded positively to treatment with cannabis, and offers actionable advice on using various forms of medical cannabis, including CBD, to treat a range illnesses, navigating the medical cannabis industry, and detailed information on safety and legality. As medical cannabis laws continue to evolve, it is more vital than ever for suffering patients to understand the benefits of this plant from an honest, medicine-based perspective. Educational, practical, and comprehensive, Cannabis Is Medicine reveals the truth behind cannabis so patients can make informed decisions and improve the quality of their lives.
Product IdentifiersPublisher
Headline Publishing Group
eBay Product ID (ePID)
Product Key FeaturesBook Title
Cannabis is Medicine: How CBD and Medical Cannabis are Healing Everything from Anxiety to Chronic Pain
Medicine, Chemistry, Popular Medicine
Publication Year
Number of Pages
368 Pages
DimensionsItem Height
Item Width
Item Weight
450 g
Additional Product FeaturesCountry/Region of Manufacture
United Kingdom
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