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Marshall, Lauren Cbd Oil For Pain Relief: 2 Manuscripts – How To Natura Book NEU

Marshall, Lauren Cbd Oil For Pain Relief: 2 Manuscripts – How To Natura Book NEU

Preis: 22.81

Zustand: Neu


Über dieses Produkt


Unlock the thousand year old secret of natural, non-toxic pain relief… 60,000 Americans will die from opoid overdoses this year. So it’s no wonder that more and more people are searching for a non-toxic alternative to these nasty drugs. A natural solution to physical and mental pain – without side effects That’s where CBD Oil comes in. Unlike marijuana, CBD Oil does not contain any THC, the psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant. So you won’t get high while using it Or if you’re suffering from ailments like arthritis, chronic pain or anxiety – and are looking for an alternative solution, then CBD Oil could well be your answer. Just look at some recent research results from reputed scientific journals Arthritis – researchers for the European Journal of Pain found that CBD gel helped reduce inflammation Chronic Pain – Researchers in the Journal of Experimental Medicine noted that CBD could be a useful treatment for chronic pain sufferers Insomnia – A review in Current Psychiatry found that CBD has therapeutic potential for treating insomnia Anxiety – CBD Oil also has benefits for relieving stress and anxiety If you’re worried about the legality, you needn’t be – CBD Oil is now legal for medical use in 46 states (all except Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota) In this book you wil discover: The real reason why Big Pharma hates Hemp Oil & CBD How Bill Clinton set the alternative medicine industry back 15 years Hemp’s relationship with the US public (it didn’t always used to have this stigma) The fundamental differences between Marijuana and Hemp (the pharmaceutical industry spend millions every year trying to keep this a secret) The real answer to the question „Will I get high from Hemp or CBD oil?“ How this Michigan Mom used CBD oil to curb her son’s anxiety attacks (she too, used to mistakingly believe CBD was the same as marijuana) Why Rick Simpson isn’t the only person to use CBD oil to cure their cancer How this retired NFL player uses CBD oil to improve his quality of life How you can legally make your own CBD oil at home (saving big bucks in the process) …Plus a free bonus book detailing the health giving benefits of essential oils including: How to use essential oils in your Reiki practice The startling sexual benefits of essential oils Which oil to use to increase focus and concentration …and much, much more! The book also includes a list of appropriate CBD doses for various ailments. Plus CBD success stories from those who have used the oil to cure ailments for themselves and their families. Leading to a marked improvement in their quality of life. So if you’re intrigued and want to discover more about the incredible benefits everyone from professional athletes to 80 year old grandmothers, are getting from CBD Oil… Then scroll up and click „add to cart“ ¿


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El-Gorr International Consulting Limited
Lauren Marshall
Cbd Oil For Pain Relief

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