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NEU, das CBD-Handbuch: Über 75 Rezepte für Gesundheit und Wellness aus Hanf

NEU, das CBD-Handbuch: Über 75 Rezepte für Gesundheit und Wellness aus Hanf

Preis: 11.52

Zustand: New


Über dieses Produkt

Product Information

The CBD Handbook shows you a multitude of creative ways to use CBD oil, from food to bath products. Cannabidiol (commonly called CBD oil) boasts a slew of positive effects on mental and physical health, whether it’s consumed or applied topically. It comes from the Cannabis plant and is one of many chemicals produced by it. Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects and is legal for use throughout the United States. Since it’s legalization, CBD has been everywhere and there’s no shortage of uses for the product. But rather than blandly putting it in your coffee every morning, The CBD Handbook shows creative ways to treat yourself and your friends to a little dose of this trending essential oil -including delicious main courses, next level drinks, pet treats, bath bombs and other pampering needs, and more. Tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your CBD oil of choice are peppered throughout. Whether it’s used to calm an anxious animal, soothe sensitive skin, or reduce chronic pain, these recipes guide you through the most valuable and interesting uses of CBD oil. If you’re new to or curious about CBD oil and what you can do with it, this is the book for you. Discover today’s top trending health and wellness topics with the Everyday Wellbeing series from Chartwell Books. From smart eating habits to personal growth advice, these engaging lifestyle guides give you the expert tips and life hacks you need to help you make good choices while practicing mindfulness and self-love. Whether you want to explore cooking with new ingredients like adaptogens and CBD, or make it a priority to incorporate self-care into your daily routine, these brightly colored take-along handbooks have the tools you need to succeed. Other titles in the series include: The Celery Juice Cookbook, Adaptogens,The Complete Guide to Self-Care, The Instant Pot and Air Fryer Cookbook, and The Plant-Based Cookbook.

Product Identifiers

Book Sales INC International Concepts
eBay Product ID (ePID)

Product Key Features

Book Title
The Cbd Handbook: over 75 Recipes for Hemp-Derived Health and Wellness: Volume 1
Melissa Petitto, R.D.
Medical Services, Low-Carb Cooking
Publication Year
Number of Pages
160 Pages


Item Height
Item Width

Additional Product Features

Melissa Petitto, R.D.
Series Title
Everyday Wellbeing
Country/Region of Manufacture
United States

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