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Attar Ayurveda Sabja Basil Seeds Rich in Protein, Fiber, Vitamins & Minerals Reduces Body Heat 100% Pure and Natural No Preservative Vegan Friendly Non-GMO 500gm

Preis: 28,16 €

100% PURE AND NATURAL: Attar Ayurveda Basil seeds are pure and natural and are free from preservatives, artificial color and artificial fragrance. Our basil seeds are sourced from farmers after thorough checks by our experts.
REDUCES BODY HEAT: Sabja seeds can be used to make a drink along with water, sugar, honey and sometimes coconut milk. It is a great drink to sip on to beat the scorching summer heat. They are one of the best body coolants. They are known to lower your body heat, which is why people often add them to refreshing drinks like nimbu paani, sherbets or milkshakes.
HELPS CONTROLLLING BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL: Sabja seeds are considered to be good for type 2 diabetics as it is known to keep a check on blood sugar levels. They slow down the metabolism of your body and thus controls the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose. You could simply mix soaked basil seeds in a glass of milk and have it for breakfast. It makes for a wonderful healthy drink.
RELIEVES CONSTIPATION AND BLOATING: Sabja seeds are known to naturally detox your body and regulate smooth bowel movements. What really works is having a glass of milk with some sabja seeds before going to bed for a couple of days. It acts as a stomach cleanser. They contain volatile oils that help in relieving gas from the gastrointestinal tract and aids in digestion.
HELP RELIEVING ACIDITY AND HEARTBURNS: Sabja seeds soothe stomach burn and their diuretic functions flush out the toxins from your body. They neutralize the acidic effect of HCL in the body and bring relief. Soaked sabja seeds are full of water and they help in soothing the stomach lining and thus relieves the burning sensation.

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