Mushroom Blend Defend Mix by Four Sigmatic | Organic Mushroom Powder Complex with Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga, Reishi and More | Natural Immune Support Supplement | Vegan, Gluten-Free | 30 Servings

Preis: 32,48 €

FORTIFY YOURSELF — The perfect blend for the fungi fanatic. Now you can transform any food into an instant wellness superhero. Just add two umami-loaded, immune-supporting scoops of the top 10 functional mushrooms to boost immune defense and support overall wellbeing, all day, everyday.
A MARRIAGE OF MUSHROOM ROYALTY — Each scoop contains approximately 150mg of wild-harvested, organic Chaga, known as “The King of Mushrooms,” and 150mg of organic Reishi, known as “The Queen of Mushrooms.” Chaga got its title from its incredible immune-supporting effects as one of the most antioxidant-dense foods on the entire planet! Reishi mushrooms, or Ganoderma lucidum, may help to support the body’s sleep cycles, help the body adapt to stress, and boost immunity.
HARVESTING THE ANCIENT ENERGY OF CORDYCEPS — Cordyceps were first discovered by sherpas of the Himalayan mountains, they gave a lift in physical energy, greater endurance and easier breathing at high altitudes. Today, Cordyceps militaris is used for the same benefits originally discovered by the sherpas, with loads of scientific research to validate the compounds responsible for its energizing effects. Each scoop contains approximately 150mg of extracted Cordyceps powder.
THE PINNACLE OF MUSHROOM SUPPLEMENTS — Did we mention there are TEN incredible functional mushrooms in this blend? To round out the pack, we’ve loaded in approximately 150mg per scoop of Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Shiitake mushroom, Agaricus Blazei mushroom, Maitake mushroom, Enoki mushroom, and Tremella mushroom. Together, these mushroom extracts provide: support for general brain function and focus, an immune defense boost, a load of antioxidants, and gloriously glowing skin hydration.
SCIENTIFICALLY SPEAKING, THIS IS PRETTY MUCH MAGIC — Functional mushrooms have been used around the world for centuries to improve productivity, immune support, and more. Unfortunately, the majority of the mushroom supplement market aren’t mushrooms at all, but rather the mycelium (basically the root system). At Four Sigmatic, we bring only the best of nature to your daily routine, so we always use the mushrooms’ fruiting bodies which contain 15x more active ingredients than the mycelium!

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