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Liposomal Lactoferrin 1000 mg – A Component in Colostrum, 60 Softgels (15 PACK)

Preis: 999,00 €

Liposomal Bovine Lactoferrin : Lactoferrin is a protein commonly found in milk and human bodily fluids, and it plays an important role in the immune system. Our lactoferrin is extracted from cow’s milk. Our Liposomal Lactoferrin is synthesized using liposomal technology, which is designed for the body more effectively absorb the lactoferrin compared to regular supplements in capsule and tablet form.
Iron Absorption : Lactoferrin (also known as lactotransferrin) is an iron-binding protein that can form a complex with iron, which is designed to your body to utilize free iron particles and plays an important role in iron absorption by binding with them. It is suitable for people who are prone to iron deficiencies.
Designed for Adults : Lactoferrin supplements not only plays an important role in the immune system and iron absorption but also digestive system & intestines. As a dietary supplement, take one (1) softgel per day, preferably 30 minutes before a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Lactoferrin 1000MG : Each softgel contains 1000mg of lactoferrin. Our lactoferrin softgels have a smooth contour and shape, making them easy to swallow. The softgels are also easy to digest and absorb. Compared to capsules, liquids, and powders, they also have a longer shelf life as they are completely sealed and airtight. (Non-GMO,SOY-FREE AND GLUTEN-FREE)
Liposomal Lactoferrin Formulation : Our 1000mg liposomal lactoferrin is produced using innovative technology that allows for higer absorption of lactoferrin in our bodies. Liposomal lactoferrin might act more effectively than conventional lactoferrin in the intestinal site, which is regarded as an active site of orally administered lactoferrin.

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