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G&G Vitamins Mushroom Blend (Vital Pilze) (90 veg. Kapseln (73g) (vegan)

Preis: G&G Vitamins Organic Mushroom Blend ist eine hochwertige Mischung aus sechs verschiedenen Pilzen, welche durch durch die UK Soil Association bio-zertifiziert jedoch in Europa bisher nicht biozertifiziert sind.Die Vitalpilz-Mischung enthält Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Löwenmähne und MaitakeAllergenhinweise: keineFür Vegetarier und Veganer geeignet. Laktosefrei, Glutenfrei. Pflanzenbasiert. Sojafrei. Gentechnik-frei. Zuckerfrei. Koscher.

G&G Vitamins Mushroom Blend (Vital Pilze) (90 veg. Kapseln (73g) (vegan) Weiterlesen

Mushroom Blend Defend Mix by Four Sigmatic | Organic Mushroom Powder Complex with Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga, Reishi and More | Natural Immune Support Supplement | Vegan, Gluten-Free | 30 Servings

Preis: FORTIFY YOURSELF — The perfect blend for the fungi fanatic. Now you can transform any food into an instant wellness superhero. Just add two umami-loaded, immune-supporting scoops of the top 10 functional mushrooms to boost immune defense and support overall wellbeing, all day, everyday.A MARRIAGE OF MUSHROOM ROYALTY — …

Mushroom Blend Defend Mix by Four Sigmatic | Organic Mushroom Powder Complex with Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga, Reishi and More | Natural Immune Support Supplement | Vegan, Gluten-Free | 30 Servings Weiterlesen
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