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NOALED Roboter-Handschuh-Handtraining, Rehabilitation, Schlaganfall, Hemiplegie, Fingertrainer mit LCD-Touchscreen/Timing/Trainingsintensität, Right-XXL

Preis: 【Helps to gradually restore brain motor nerves】: Rehabilitation Robot speed up the recovery process of hand function, help users to relearn the brain nerves, speed up the recovery of brain tonic nerve damage, and achieve the patient’s self-care ability from the face.【Hand Splint for Blows】: Rehabilitation training glove used …

NOALED Roboter-Handschuh-Handtraining, Rehabilitation, Schlaganfall, Hemiplegie, Fingertrainer mit LCD-Touchscreen/Timing/Trainingsintensität, Right-XXL Weiterlesen
Fit und Gesund bis ins hohe Alter
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