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FORA Duo 2 in 1 (Blood Sugar, Ketone) Bluetooth, Blood Glucose Monitors + 50pcs Glucose test strips + 10pcs Ketone teststrips

Preis: Suitable for: 1. People with Type 1/ Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes 2. People who’d like to rev up their metabolism with a ketogenic diet to gain an ideal shape of their body. 3. People who’d like a better understanding of their health, from the daily diet to exercise, …

FORA Duo 2 in 1 (Blood Sugar, Ketone) Bluetooth, Blood Glucose Monitors + 50pcs Glucose test strips + 10pcs Ketone teststrips Weiterlesen

FORA Duo 2 in 1 (Blood Sugar, Ketone) Bluetooth, Blood Glucose Monitors + 50pcs Blood Glucose test strips

Preis: Suitable for: 1. People with Type 1/ Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes 2. People who’d like to rev up their metabolism with a ketogenic diet to gain an ideal shape of their body. 3. People who’d like a better understanding of their health, from the daily diet to exercise, …

FORA Duo 2 in 1 (Blood Sugar, Ketone) Bluetooth, Blood Glucose Monitors + 50pcs Blood Glucose test strips Weiterlesen

Contour Next KIT, Includes 1 Glucose EZ Monitoring System + 100 Test Strips

Preis: Requires a small blood sampleIncludes meter, carrying case, and instruction manualNo coding necessary to eliminate user errorPre and Post meal markers with adjustable alarmMultipulse accuracy technology ensure accurate glucose measurements, KIT Includes: 1 Meter and 100 Test Strips.

Contour Next KIT, Includes 1 Glucose EZ Monitoring System + 100 Test Strips Weiterlesen

Accu Answer isaw Multi Monitoring Device System for Cholesterol – Blood Glucose Level – Hemoglobin – Uric Acid

Preis: Accu Answe Isaw device helps to monitor health at home: Blood glucose level, Hemoglobin, Cholesterol, Uric AcidAccu Answer Device and Starting Kit Includes the following:- 1 x Accu-Answer isaw device; 1 x Lancing device; 40 x Lancets; 10 x Glucose Strips; 10 x Uric Acid Strips; 10 x Cholesterol …

Accu Answer isaw Multi Monitoring Device System for Cholesterol – Blood Glucose Level – Hemoglobin – Uric Acid Weiterlesen

Accu-Answer Blood Glucose Cholesterol Uric Acid and Hemoglobin Monitoring Device

Preis: Accu Answe Isaw device helps to monitor health at home: blood glucose level, hemoglobin, cholesterol, uric acidAccu Answer Device and Starting Kit Includes the following:- 1 x Accu-Answer isaw device; 1 x Lancing device; 40 x Lancets; 10 x Glucose Strips; 10 x Uric Acid Strips; 10 x Cholesterol …

Accu-Answer Blood Glucose Cholesterol Uric Acid and Hemoglobin Monitoring Device Weiterlesen

QMZDXH 4-In-1-Cholesterin-Tester, Vollautomatischer Blutfett-Test Zur Analyse Von Gesamtcholesterin, Triglyceriden, Hohem Und Niedrigem Lipoprotein Und Glucose

Preis: Das Blutentnahmevolumen beträgt nur 4 μl und es wird eine kleine Menge Blut entnommen.Der schnelle 2-Minuten-Test ist bequem und schnell, sodass Krankenhäuser nicht mehr anstehen müssen.500 Sätze mit großer Kapazitätsspeicher können jeweils 500 Datensätze gedruckt werden, müssen jedoch mit dem entsprechenden Drucker ausgestattet sein. Das Paket enthält nicht den …

QMZDXH 4-In-1-Cholesterin-Tester, Vollautomatischer Blutfett-Test Zur Analyse Von Gesamtcholesterin, Triglyceriden, Hohem Und Niedrigem Lipoprotein Und Glucose Weiterlesen
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