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XINMYD Dental Guard, Nacht Komfortable Anti-Schleif-Dental Guard Sleeping Clenching Tooth Protector Tool

Preis: 【Bequem】 Gute Verarbeitung, ultradünn und leicht gestaltet, super bequem.【Kann trinken und sprechen.】 Atmungsaktiver, flexibler Gürtel hinter den Zähnen, lässt die Luft strömen und ermöglicht das Trinken und Sprechen.【Einfach zu bedienen】 Entsprechend der Krümmung der Zähne hergestellt, kann jederzeit bequem getragen werden.【Haupteffekt】 Kann verhindern, dass Sie den Zahnschutz verschlucken, und …

XINMYD Dental Guard, Nacht Komfortable Anti-Schleif-Dental Guard Sleeping Clenching Tooth Protector Tool Weiterlesen

TAISK Rehabilitation Robot Gloves Electric Stroke Hemiplegia Finger Wrist Training Equipment Finger Straightening Brace Guard Protector for Patients with Hand Dysfunction

Preis: Stroke Hand Splint – Made of a variety of flexible polymer materials, comfortable fit and will keep you hand in place, while gently stretching your phalanges and avoiding the contractures that can sometimes follow a serious medical incidentPassive Training of Hand Function – rehabilitation treatment device only needs to …

TAISK Rehabilitation Robot Gloves Electric Stroke Hemiplegia Finger Wrist Training Equipment Finger Straightening Brace Guard Protector for Patients with Hand Dysfunction Weiterlesen

Lotvic Formbarer Mundschutz, Mundschutz zum Zähneknirschen, Beissschiene für Mouth Guard, Zahnschiene bei Zähneknirschen, Zahnschiene Knirschen- 8 Stück

Preis: 【Regulärer und Robuster Schutz】 Enthält insgesamt 8 Formbarer Mundschutz und 2 Aufbewahrungsbox geliefert, vier große (2.8 mm Dicke) 6,8 cm x 5,5 cm x 1,2 cm (L x B x H) und vier kleine (2.3 mm Dicke) 4,8 cm x 3,2 cm x 1 cm (L x B x …

Lotvic Formbarer Mundschutz, Mundschutz zum Zähneknirschen, Beissschiene für Mouth Guard, Zahnschiene bei Zähneknirschen, Zahnschiene Knirschen- 8 Stück Weiterlesen

TAISK Rehabilitation Robot Gloves Electric Stroke Hemiplegia, Finger Wrist Training Equipment, Finger Straightening Brace Guard Training Exercise Equipment

Preis: ★ Material : Pneumatic as a driving force, automatic finger grasping, extension is a rehabilitation treatment device for symptoms such as finger spasms and paralysis. It accelerates the rehabilitation process of hand function, which reduces hand, relief edema and stiff muscle tension, helps patients to learn the brain again, …

TAISK Rehabilitation Robot Gloves Electric Stroke Hemiplegia, Finger Wrist Training Equipment, Finger Straightening Brace Guard Training Exercise Equipment Weiterlesen

TAISK Finger Orthoses Rehabilitation, Straightening Brace Guard Protector Exoskeleton Manual Training Functional Hand Splint Training Gloves

Preis: ★ Hand Training Finger Orthotics : Finger separation exercise, Rehabilitation training can be performed on each finger individually by opening and closing the independent air valve. Mirror mode, through multiple stimuli, improve the recovery speed of hand function★ LCD Screen Display : Very user-friendly interactive design, Patients can take …

TAISK Finger Orthoses Rehabilitation, Straightening Brace Guard Protector Exoskeleton Manual Training Functional Hand Splint Training Gloves Weiterlesen
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