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KINITRO Astaxanthin Plus, complex with astaxanthin approx. 4 mg, supported by selenium 16.5 μg, 30 mg blueberry extract, 10 mg anthocyanins in 1 capsule, pure vegetable

KINITRO Astaxanthin Plus is a balanced complex with astaxanthin from the algae Haematococcus pluvialis, anthocyanins from blueberries and selenium from mustard seeds. The red plant pigment astaxanthin protects the cells of the body from damage. The blue colour of the blueberries is due to the well-known beneficial properties of anthocyanins. …

KINITRO Astaxanthin Plus, complex with astaxanthin approx. 4 mg, supported by selenium 16.5 μg, 30 mg blueberry extract, 10 mg anthocyanins in 1 capsule, pure vegetable Weiterlesen
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