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NOALED Behindertenhilfen Rehabilitationsausrüstungsschutz Exoskelett Manuelles Training mit Fernbedienung/Einzelfingertraining,Left-XL

Preis: 【Rehab Robot Gloves】: Rehab robot gloves use two-handed mirror training to help patients recover neurons. The manipulator drives the hand with restricted mobility. Synchronized bimanual movements activate mirror neurons【Bionic hand structure】: Intelligently imitate hand movements, realized imitated hand structure, independent and independent exercise grasp, intelligent imitation of hand grasp, …

NOALED Behindertenhilfen Rehabilitationsausrüstungsschutz Exoskelett Manuelles Training mit Fernbedienung/Einzelfingertraining,Left-XL Weiterlesen
Fit und Gesund bis ins hohe Alter
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