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LifePro Hovert 3D Vibration Plate Machine – Dual Motor Oscillation, Lateral + 3D Motion Viberation Platform Machine – Full Whole Body Vibrarating Machine for Home Exercise & Fitness (Black)

Preis: 261,45 €

RECOVER STRENGTH, BALANCE & MOBILITY: Vibration plates help stimulate your body’s repair system, improving circulation and helping you regain muscle tone, find greater balance, strengthen bones, boost metabolism and improve your overall core. Relief is felt from the first session, and continued, regular use builds up your muscle tone, protecting nerves and bones and providing greater range of motion and increased benefits as you improve.
GENTLY ACCELERATES RECOVERY – Regaining your independence post-injury or surgery is freeing. Our vibrating plate machine creates gentle, therapeutic vibrations that wake up muscles throughout your body, improving circulation and increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles. This, in turn, enhances your body’s built-in ability to regenerate cells and repair itself – increasing your range of motion, flexibility and comfort from the very first session.
HEAL ACUTE & LONG-TERM INJURIES – If you live with a chronic injury, most likely you’ve learned to bury your pain behind a regular regimen of painkillers. But what if you could fix the underlying issue? The Hovert delivers efficient and gentle Whole Body Vibration (WBV). Over time, this technique relieves chronic pain and heals injuries, both new and old.
3 MOTIONS IN ONE: An upgraded version of our standard Waver model, we built our Hovert Platform with 2 robust motors for a 3D range of motion specifically to further accelerate your recovery journey. Depending on or your injury and recovery goals, you can choose to use 1, 2 or both in tandem.
A LIFETIME OF RECOVERY & GUIDANCE: When you purchase one of our whole body vibration machine it comes with a complete system of support, including built-in LIVE support from our ‘guiding angels’ and free access to a comprehensive library of training videos and tools. Additionally, every platform bearing our name undergoes rigorous scrutiny to make sure it delivers on power and efficacy and a built-in lifetime warranty so you’re never left hanging.

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