LifePro Vibration Plate Exercise Machine – Whole Body Workout Vibration Fitness Platform w/ Loop Bands – Home Training Equipment for Weight Loss & Toning (Black)

Preis: 173,13 €

RECOVER STRENGTH, BALANCE & FLEXIBILITY – Regain muscle strength, Improve lymphatic system, improve circulation, boost metabolism, and more! – with the LifePro Waver Vibration Plate. Gentle, therapeutic vibrations wake up muscles throughout your body, increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles. This, in turn, enhances your body’s built-in ability to regenerate cells and repair itself – toning muscles and increasing motion, flexibility and comfort from the very first session.
ACCELERATE YOUR RECOVERY – After a workout or injury, your muscles will recover naturally, but slowly. This home gym equipment gives your body’s natural healing abilities a gentle nudge in the right direction. If you’re in recovery, your muscles and joints will repair themselves faster. And if you’re building strength, you’ll need less down-time between workouts.
LIFETIME WARRANTY + Guiding Angels – Not everyone can afford a personal trainer, but at Lifepro, we’re here to make it easy to be held accountable and supported throughout your journey, by offering our Guiding Angels: Real, LIVE support, FREE access to our online video library, plus an unparalleled LIFETIME WARRANTY.
PORTABLE, ADJUSTABLE, AND LOADED WITH FEATURES – Flexible settings and features allow for a precise and tailored approach, for optimal, low impact, whole-body workouts that adjust as you improve. For your convenience, integrated wheels allow for easy maneuverability and storage. An easy to use display and remote control ensure you get the most efficient results in the shortest amount of time.
TRUSTED BY CHIROPRACTORS & THERAPISTS – There’s a reason professionals around the country choose the Lifepro Waver to help their clients regain strength. With industry-leading performance, our Waver has proved itself a reliable recovery companion.

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